Friday, May 2, 2008

Another thought on Roman Gods

Another thought on Roman gods is that it would be good to know thier Greek counter parts being that they are basically the same gods with different names in most cases.
Another important god to be aware of is Apollo the god of the sun. He plays many important roles throughout Greek mythology.

A good site to go to for information on modern Venice

This site is Venice's official site. It has everything from vacation tips to history.

A little bit on Roman Gods

A little bit of History is a useful thing to know. Here are a list of a few Roman gods that are important.
Jupiter the big cheese so to speak.
Juno wife of Jupiter
Mars god of war
Venus goddess of beauty
Pluto god of the underworld
Neptune god of the sea
Mercury the messenger
Diana goddess of the moon, and hunting
Ceres the goddess of harvest
Vulcan god of the forge
Minerva goddess of wisdom and craft
Bacchus god of wine and partying
Vesta goddess of hearth and home.
for more info go to

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Great Resources

Hey guys,
As an education major, what I want from this class and this blog are a multitude of wonderful resources to use in the future. Hopefully, a few of you are on the same page and enjoy these posts.
This Shakespearean Dictionary is amazing. Did you know that facinorous means wicked?
This site has famous quotes.
Learn some information about the history of the Globe Theater at this site.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Another Just For Kids Site

I know I have already posted a site for kids, but one more can't hurt. Have fun with coloring, word searches, mazes, crosswords, and puzzles here.

I wish I would have found this site sooner. The site has audio and video readings of almost all Shakespearean plays and a few sonnets. For me, reading Shakespeare is so much easier when I follow along to someone else reading aloud. This site would be wonderful for students, especially students with lower reading levels.